Saying Du`a'-ul-Istiftah once in the Tarawih


Q 2: Is it permissible for a Muslim to say Du`a'-ul-Istiftah (opening supplication when starting the Prayer) only in the first pair of Rak`ahs (units of Prayer) of the tarawih Prayer (special supererogatory night Prayer in Ramadan)? Is there a particular Du`a' to say when starting Qiyam-ul-Layl (optional Prayer at night) that is different from Du`a'-ul-Istiftah of the Obligatory Prayers and the Tarawih Prayer? We would be grateful if you could highlight this point. May Allah bless you! A: It is desirable for a Muslim to say Du`a'-ul-Istiftah every two Rak`ahs of the Tarawih Prayer. This is because every two Rak`ahs are regarded as an independent Prayer. There is no difference between the obligatory Prayers and supererogatory ones with regard to the wording of Du`a'-ul-Istiftah. This Du`a' should be one of those reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the most famous of which is: "Subhanak Allahuma wa-bihamdika, wa-Tabarak Ismuka, wa-Ta`ala Wahduka, wa-la Ilaha Ghayruk (Glory be to You, O Allah! All Praise be to You! Exalted be Your Name! Glorified be Your Oneness! There is no deity but You!)." (Part No. 6; Page No. 78

A: It is desirable for a Muslim to say Du`a'-ul-Istiftah every two Rak`ahs of the Tarawih Prayer. This is because every two Rak`ahs are regarded as an independent Prayer. There is no difference between the obligatory Prayers and supererogatory ones with regard to the wording of Du`a'-ul-Istiftah. This Du`a' should be one of those reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the most famous of which is: "Subhanak Allahuma wa-bihamdika, wa-Tabarak Ismuka, wa-Ta`ala Wahduka, wa-la Ilaha Ghayruk (Glory be to You, O Allah! All Praise be to You! Exalted be Your Name! Glorified be Your Oneness! There is no deity but You!)." (Part No. 6; Page No. 78) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
